Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Some of our esteemed Naija bloggers are featured in an article on the BBC website. We don't all agree, but it's good to see some intelligent dicussion being thrown around about issues that affect us all. Maybe our voices will be a catalyst for action sooner than later. Let's keep talking.


ababoypart2 said...

Totally agree with you. Lets hope that we don’t just talk the talk, but walk the ….

Tutsy said...

Wow...glad to see our own up there...Love the quote by Olawunmi and Omodudu....Hope this effort would go far and our voices might just be heard.

diary of a G said...

keep on
keeping on
y'all can only get stronger

NigeriaPolitricks.com said...

Glad we are speaking out!...Inaction is not an absence of action, merely an abdication of our responsibility to hold our leaders accountable.

t said...

Oh yeah, Ms. May, please check out www.UPNAIRA.blogspot.com - it's likely your kind of thing.